This was the Day the Lord had made


This was a magnificent autumn day at Buffalo Point. It was Thanksgiving Weekend and we had a lot to be thankful for. We got together with our two sons Nick and Pat who live in Manitoba and one daughter in law, Debbi, and 2 grandchildren, Nolan and Stella. They were all healthy and fully employed.


We interpreted Manitoba laws to allow a small gathering. We figured 7 was small, but had tinges of guilt and fear. Just a little.




The blue skies were extravagant and the yellows were sharp. In Manitoba we had few reds. That is a pity, but the colours were still sensational. I  went walk to take photos of the autumn leaves.


Astonishingly when I went for a walk I strolled toward the golf course to admire autumn leaves in brilliant foliage. Much to my surprise I met some of my old golfing buddies who I used to golf with regularly before I became a recovering golfer.

Can you imagine that they would waste the time golfing on such a beautiful day? It seems absurd but it was true. What cretans. I must search for a better class of friends. Some who might appreciate truth and beauty.

My mother used to always quote to me a passage from the Bible. “This is the day the lord has made.” She wanted us to read it at her funeral. And we did. This was such a day.


4 thoughts on “This was the Day the Lord had made

  1. Such beautiful picture, John your doing a good job, I enjoy reading your posts, isn’t that a wonderful verse your mother has left you with, this is the day that lord has made.

    1. Thanks Peter for your kind words. You are right, that is a wonderful verse. She told me it was read at her wedding and she asked us to read it at her funeral which we did. It is a wonderful verse. It fits sad times and happy times. I have forgotten where it is found in the Bible. Do you know?

        1. thanks. I hope you and your family are well. We still see you as sort of a midwife for our son Nicholas

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