We finished off the day in Sedona at Red Rock Crossing and Crescent Moon Park, one of my favorite spots. From there you can get spectacular views of Cathedral Rock and some lovely old buildings.
The water was also pretty murky after the recent heavy rains. We were just happy that we could walk to most o four favorite spots. We could not cross the river, as it was too high and moving too fast.
I love old buildings. I was really pleased that Stef and Charli chose to visit Sedona. Any excuse to come here is all right with me. I love Sedona. Sedona is a special place. Maybe there is truth to the claims that there are spiritual vortexes here. And not just for charlatans either. Why not?
I was a little disappointed that the water was high and rushing so there was no opportunity for a great shot of Cathedral Mountain reflected in an Oak Creek puddle. Well, you can’t have it all. You gotta dance with the girl you brung.
Today we really did pursue truth and beauty. That is my retirement goal. To pursue truth and beauty every day. This life of pursuing truth and beauty is fantastic.