Facebook Tries to Silence the Meanderer


This is big!  Freedom is under siege. I have it on reliable authority that Facebook has been trying to shut down the Meanderer. It has come to my attention that my announcements of postings on the Meanderer have been squelched. First twitter tries to fact check Trump and now this. Freedom is on the pyre. It’s time to start the revolution. Live free or diet. The choice is yours. Please let me know if you have not been receiving my facebooks posts. I will try to find out how to stamp out this Mother of all conspiracies.



One thought on “Facebook Tries to Silence the Meanderer

  1. I for one wake up each day and frantically check Facebook for your posting. Lately I have been in therapy to help me understand how to cope with the absence of my favourite writings, but I am still distraught. I wait with baited breath for the day when things will go back to the way they were. Don’t give up Hans. Fight on.

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