What’s Sauce for the Goose is not Sauce for the Gander


I am very grateful for the Winnipeg Free Press reminding me what Donald Trump said about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.  If you recall, she was being investigated for using a private email server instead of the presumably more secure State Department server when she was the Secretary of State. This is what Trump said at the time:

 “She shouldn’t be allowed to run … If she wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt.”

And please remember at the time Clinton was being investigated, no chargers were ever laid so obviously there was no conviction. This is unlike Trump who has now been convicted on 34 counts of filing false business records in relation to his payments to Stormy Daniels pursuant to a non-disclosure agreement in order to keep the truth of the payments from the American electors. So, according to Trump, Clinton should not have been allowed to run even though she was not charged at the time he said that, and never was charged, while Donald Trump who was convicted of a felony should be allowed to run even though potentially he might be imprisoned during or after the election.

Clearly, Trump does not believe that what is sauce for the goose is sauce fro the gander.

Trump is a strong believer in a double standard. One for himself and one for everybody else.

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