What did Trump’s diplomats think of Him?


I must start this post with a trigger warning. It will contain a bad word. But I think that word is necessary. It was used by Trump’s first Secretary of State and former CEO of Exxon. He was one of the guys Trump worshipped. Hyper successful business men.

Let’s start with Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who in July 2017 called Trump a “fucking moron,” as reported by NBC News.  Can you imagine the news if any other President was insulted like that by a member of his Cabinet?  Tillerson made these comments in the presence of the White House national security team and Cabinet officials at the Pentagon.

He had come to realize what Trump was worth. Not much. Bluster and blarney.

Tillerson told lawmakers in 2019 that Russian President Vladimir Putin was more prepared than Trump for a meeting in Germany, putting American officials at a disadvantage. No one should be surprised by that. Trump loves to shoot from the hip without thought. At the time, Tillerson told lawmakers he was guided by “American values” such as democracy and freedom, but could not or would not offer an assessment as to whether the same could be said for Trump, according to a Democratic aide.

Tillerson also called Trump “undisciplined” and Trump would ask him to do things he didn’t understand were a violation of the law.

Tillerson also took a swipe at Trump’s actions during the Ukraine investigation, saying that clearly asking for personal favors and using United States assets as collateral is wrong.”

Then there is former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley who said the President’s decision to remove US troops from northern Syria during Turkey’s plans to launch a military offensive in the region “would equate to the US leaving its Kurdish allies “to die.” Only someone entire without moral fibre would do that. Trump did that! He had no moral fibre.

Former US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker who was involved in the case that led to Trump’s first impeachment trial in the Senate.  Probably most of you have already forgotten about that. It seems so long ago. Volker told BBC News in his first television interview since the Senate impeachment trial he thought “it was a mistake” for Trump to try and withhold aid from Ukraine for political reasons. That is putting it politely. As a diplomat would do. It was much worse than that. It is something that only a fucking moron would do.


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