What did Trump’s daughter think of him?


After William Barr dealt dismissively with the claims of Trump that the voting machines were fraudulent and he realized that Trump would not change his mind no matter how often Barr told him there was no supporting evidence or information of fraud, Barr put it this way when he gave evidence to the Select Committee,


“I was somewhat demoralized because if he really believes this stuff he has lost contact with, he has become detached from reality. On the other hand when I told him how crazy some of these allegation were, there was never any indication of interest in what the actual facts were.”


This is precisely the point. Trump actually had no interest in the truth. None at all. He was only interested in what reinforced his narrative that the election was stolen. Absolutely nothing else mattered.


Many Trumpsters feel exactly the same way. They too have little interest in the truth. But one of them did. Surprisingly, it bothered his daughter Ivanka.


Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump when confronted with what Barr had said, told the Capitol investigation this:

“It affected my perspective. I respected Attorney General Barr. So I accepted what he said was said.”

Another long standing loyal Trump supporter admitted that her father was wrong about a stolen election. Since then she has been mainly absent from his campaign. rallies. She did make an appearance at the Republican convention in Wisconsin.


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