What did Other Trump advisors think of Trump?


Trump’s former senior strategist Steve Bannon widely believed to be the mastermind behind Trump’s 2016 election win, said Trump was “like an 11-year-old child,” and later said Trump had “lost his step.”  That last one is a pretty mild Trump insult by his standards.

John Bolton who served as Trump’s National Security Advisor said this about him:

“Trump has this impression that foreign leaders, especially adversaries, hold him in high regard, that he’s got a good relationship with Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I have been in those rooms with him when he’s met with those leaders. I believe they think he is a laughing fool.”


Cassidy Hutchinson was a Republican and loyal worker for Trump until she saw him in action on January 6th 2021 when Trump supporters on Capitol Hill were trying to find Mike Pence in order to ang him.  After seeing him do nothing to help his Vice-President this is what she said, in her book Enough:

“They’re calling for the Vice-President to be hanged. The president is OK with it. He doesn’t want to do anything. He doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong. He thinks Mike is a traitor. This is crazy. We need to be doing something more.”


She also testified under oath at the January 6th House of Representatives, under oath, about how disgusted she was with him on January 6th.

Former Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert often worked with Trump because those issues he dealt were issues Trump was interested in.

As Trump was dealing with the Ukraine scandal, Bossert told ABC’s “This Week” he was “deeply disturbed” by the contents of Trump’s call with the Ukrainian President. However, he also warned not to rush to judgment. In the same appearance, Bossert said he had told Trump there was no basis for the theory that Ukraine intervened in the 2016 US presidential election to assist Democrats.

Bossert has also criticized Trump for not wearing a face mask in public amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Do as I say, not as I do isn’t very useful,” Bossert told “This Week.”


Cliff Sims, former special assistant to the President and director of White House Message Strategy wrote “Team of Vipers,” claiming, among other things, that Trump created an “enemies list” consisting of members of his own administration.

It is really deeply surprising how many of Trump’s cohorts, almost all, if not all Republicans, have come out to say how unfit Trump was for office. I think that is unprecedented.


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