The Evidence is in


I am finding Anti-vaxxers and their allied freedom fighters increasingly difficult to understand. The facts are in. We get them every day in the news. This is not speculative science. This is the data we get in the news every day.

The rates of Covid-19 infection, hospitalizations and death from Covid-19 are now overwhelming among the people who have not been vaccinated or have only had their first of 2 vaccinations. As Covid-19 continues to rage through Canada and elsewhere, vaccinations are proving safe and effective against this disease. Yet people continue to resist taking the vaccines. Before this pandemic began, I would never have believed that people would continue to ignore such clear evidence. But they do. I was wrong.

In Manitoba, where I live, the Southern Health District is the hotbed of new Covid-19 cases and surprise surprise is the region with the lowest rates of accepting vaccines in Manitoba. Here is how the Winnipeg Free Press reported it today:

 “People living in the Southern Health Region are being infected with Covid-19 at a rate five-fold Manitoba’s capital city, as small communities continue to grapple with low vaccine uptake and ongoing spread of the novel coronavirus. The latest numbers from the province show Southern Health—home to more than 207,000 residents  across 27,000 square kilometres—notched 10 cases per thousand people a day in the last seven days, compared to 2 per day reported in Winnipeg.”


What more evidence does any one need to see that it is a smart idea to take the vaccines?

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