The Dark History of Immigration in America and Canada


As Fareed Zakaria, an immigrant himself,  said,

“The Ugliest crusade against immigrants [in America] happened in the 1920s. A huge wave of immigrants was landing in America, the largest wave this country has ever seen. 100,000 people a month arriving on Ellis Island. Italians, Hungarians, Italians, Russians.”

Randall Kennedy noted that this included,

the so-called ‘good Europeans’” Great Britain, France, Scandinavian—those were ‘the real whites’, the good whites, but then you have these Jews from eastern European and Italians from southern Italy, they were actually viewed as different races…”


The racial categories were actually elastic so that they could be stretched as circumstances warranted. So, for example, for a while Italians were viewed as non-whites.  Remember, racism is nothing if it is not irrational. There is no scientific basis for concepts of race. We are all homo sapiens.  The racial categories are non-existent and have no basis in science. Racism is about emotions, not facts.


As Randall Kennedy pointed out, at times Hungarians are considered a race. At other times Czechoslovakians are considered a race. Jews were a race, Irish were a race. As Kennedy said, “they are viewed as lesser.”

That is really what the concept of race is all about. Labelling some people as less worthy based on bias and only bias.

Many of them ate strange foods, worshipped odd gods, had weird customs, ate distinct foods, dressed differently, spoke unusual languages, and were existentially “the others.” This was all new to America and many were not pleased. As Zakaria said, “All of it horrified America’s wealthy elite. The blue bloods of Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue.”

As Jia Lynn Yang, the author of One Mighty and Irresistible Tide said, “They begin to freak out and say we can’t allow these hordes of immigrants who are so different from us and are going to change our country. These immigrants threaten everything we hold dear about America.” Of course this is exactly what many in America are saying right now. There is nothing quite as scary as the foreign other. Irrational distinctions of race or caste are used as the basis of hierarchies.

A bunch of people who considered themselves as the best and brightest of America got together to come up with a plan about how the country should deal with this invasion of others. Many of them referred to the “scientific study” of so-called “inferior races.”  This dubious science was called eugenics. It was racism under a cloak of pseudo-science. Hitler took these ideas from Americans whom he admired. Whether you were a dependable candidate for immigration or not depended on your racial origin.

As Randal Kennedy said, “We want to basically freeze the racial/ethnic composition of the United States.” Eugenics was referred to as “the self-direction of human evolution.” As Zakaria said, “the eugenicists believed the new immigrants were physically and mentally defective.”

Just like the modern anti-immigrants, they believed the immigrants were largely more susceptible to diseases, more likely to commit crimes, they stank, could not be trusted, were lazy, looking for handouts rather than jobs, and many other ills.

As Zakaria pointed out, “If it looks and sounds like Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler embraced American eugenics.” He praised Americans and said we can learn from the Americans.

These anti-immigrant Americans showed up in Washington to influence the political leaders. They came with their pseudo-sciences, and their experts ready to testify. As Jia Lynn Yang said, “They came to Congress and said it’s not you being racist or prejudiced, we have science to back this up.”

The politicians bought this and enacted the most restrictive legislation in the history of the country. Congress passed a new Immigration Act in 1924,  [one year after my parents immigrated to Canada where they were also met with some racism]. Racism was everywhere. The result of the new law was to cut immigration sharply from countries around the world. It “put rigid quotas on so-called ‘undesirables’ ”. Or as Randall Kennedy said, “they shut the door. They cut immigration to the United States by 97%.”

It seems that many groups, after they have “made it” to Canada or America want to close the moat behind them.


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