In the morning leaving Rimouski Quebec, we headed right out to the Pointe-Au-Père Lighthouse just north of town.
I have a confession to make—I love lighthouses. I cannot resist stopping to look at them and photograph them. Why is that?

Similar to what Sigmund Freud said about cigars, I say, “Lighthouse is never just a lighthouse.” Lighthouses have great symbolic value. Freud was obsessed with cigars. When his nephew declined a cigar at 17 Freud was thunderstruck. How was that possible? He said to him, “”My boy, smoking is one of the greatest and cheapest enjoyments in life, and if you decide in advance not to smoke, I can only feel sorry for you.” He actually thought it was illogical not to smoke cigars. That is the way I feel about lighthouses. I wanted to see them all. And sometimes that was absurd. He smoked cigars almost continuously. He smoked about 20 cigars per day!
What then do cigars symbolize? Of course, many have said the cigar is an obvious phallic symbol. Of course, lighthouses stand proud and erect. Is that what they refer to? Perhaps.
It has been said that a lighthouse represents navigation through the challenges of life. As Anne Volpe said, “They provide a sense of direction, safety, and hope. Lighthouses also symbolize the importance of staying on course, making informed decisions, and finding our way during darkness or uncertainty.” They offer guidance and assurance in tough times. In short, they help you to wade through uncertainties of life.
Lighthouses are often found in hazardous locations such as dangerous coastlines. Symbolically, they represent protection and security. Who would not want that? They offer hope that we will survive the dangers that surround us. They allude to a bright future. They are light inside the dark.

Yet the lighthouses are often found in secluded areas where they are isolated from harm. They suggest seclusion and solitude far from the maddening crowd. They provide tranquility in times of tumult and encourage reflection. They are allied with the search for truth. We need light to find the truth. And wisdom. Sometimes a lighthouse. And sometimes we just need luck.
Lighthouses must be strong for often they must endure brutal circumstances. A lighthouse is a steadfast friend. Dependable. You can rely on the lighthouse in your life’s storms. Who would not welcome that?
After the danger of the rough sea, the lighthouse offers respite. They provide a warm welcome, a refuge, a safe haven. Lighthouses give us a chance to overcome obstacles and challenges in difficult times.
Lighthouses often are also shrouded in mystery and romance. I don’t know why? They are in remote areas which leads us to speculate about what life would be like living in a remote area, perhaps an island, in solitude for lengthy periods of time.
According to Volpe,
“Lighthouses represent the pursuit of wisdom, self-actualization, and spiritual enlightenment. They inspire individuals to strive for self-improvement, expand their intellectual horizons, and cultivate inner wisdom. They serve as reminders to seek knowledge, navigate life’s struggles with wisdom, and continually strive for personal growth and enlightenment.”
Lighthouses often symbolize eternal vigilance from other dangers. For example, they can represent political freedom, which as we all know, requires relentless never-ending vigilance and awareness. They require us to be attentive and aware and won’t tolerate indolence or laziness. In summary they require the best from us, including insight, courage, and determination to endure.
Long live lighthouses. Long freedom.