High Arctic Sailors in Digby Nova Scotia



Ocean Hillside B & B Digby Nova Scotia

Today we had one of the strangest experiences ever at a B & B.  We met a young couple from Rimouski, Quebec, where stayed for the night on the way here. They are Samuel and Naomi.  They explained that they were sailors.  What did that mean, we asked?  Does it mean they sail around the world in sail boats? Not at all. They sail on cargo ships mainly in and around Hudson Bay, but also the Great Lakes. They deliver supplies to people in the High Arctic. In fact, a CBC Gem film was made about such people, called High Arctic Crawlers. Each year they spend about 5 months at sea and the rest of the time back home. They work on separate ships by choice to ensure it is not difficult for others having a married couple on a ship.


We had a fascinating talk with them.  Life on the sea is incredibly interesting and challenging. They are both well versed in the arcane maritime laws that officers are expected to know. Even though they are much younger than us, we had great discussions on a variety of topics.  We spent hours sitting around the breakfast table talking rather than exploring. We have never done that before. We have always like staying at B & B’s on account of the interesting people to talk to, but this was special. It was a most congenial morning that stretched into lunch. At the end of the trip, someone asked me what was the best part of the trip, and I said without hesitation, meeting this interesting couple.  We hope to see them again.

Monsieur Robert served us crepes Suzette. We dined in style with a French chef. We have landed on our feet in Digby Nova Scotia.

As if this visit was not enough, we had another one the next day.

After that strange experience, the next day was even stranger. We continued our conversation with our new young Quebec friends who like us were here for a few days and were joined by 2 interesting American women. We have a long and lovely chat with all 4 of them. It lasted even longer than the first day. We stayed and talked right through the morning until Monsieur Robert came to let the American women gently know that they had to leave as they had to clean the room before the new guests arrived.

We talked about everything under the sun, but particularly the fascinating laws of the sea. We even got into some politics, which is often difficult with Americans. Of course, these women were New Englanders, not Trumpsters.

We had never talked with anyone that long at a B & B before. And we have stayed at many B & B’s.  The American women wanted to stay longer but the rooms were all booked. That was a pity. For us all.


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