In the US Harris Hawks can be found from Arizona to Texas, but not farther north. They can be found as far south as South America.
It has a long tail and a relatively small head. Harris’s hawks can live up to 15 or 20 years old. The Harris’s hawk is usually between 18-24 inches in body length and has a wingspan of 3-4 feet yet only weighs from 1&1/2 pounds to 2 & ½ pounds.
Some of the Harris Hawks nest in spring but some females lay a second or even a third clutch whether or not their first breeding attempt fails. As a result, in Arizona eggs have been recorded in each month of the year. This is possible because they nest in the southwest USA and farther south. This would not be so easy in Manitoba.
Young Harris Hawks sometimes play with each other by chasing insects or jumping on stick in imitation of the prey they capture.
Like most hawks, the female Harris hawks are larger than their male counterparts. males. Sometimes these hawks practice a behavior known as “back-standing” where several birds stand on top of each other.