Are the Quebecois snobs?


I used to think Quebecois were snobby, ill-tempered and totally dismissive of English tourists. Not anymore.  Everyone I encountered in Quebec laughed at me, rightly, for my pathetic lack of French. But they did not insult me or ignore me. They were actually polite and courteous. Even gentle.

It was a bit humiliating to ask Christiane constantly for translations. But that just shows up my ignorance. In Europe everyone speaks multiple languages and make no fuss about it. My German is terrible and my French non-existent. No doubt, I am ignorant and the French tolerated this without objections or mockery.

The French in Quebec have done quite well at preserving their language in the face of the overwhelming English language domination across all of North America. It really is a remarkable achievement that should be celebrated, even though they had to take some Draconian measures to make it work.  Like language police. But I like that they were able to do it. Almost everyone speaks French here. And many speak English too. Many more than those who speak only English. They like me, are in the ignorant minority.

I like the feeling of being in a different country. I know some don’t like it. I do. If you don’t, you should not go to Quebec. Then you are the snob..Snobs are in the eye of the beholder.Literally.

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