A Young Humanitarian in the Family


We attended the Manitoba Teachers Society young Humanitarian Awards.  One of the awards was given to Luxton School  and its Grades 4,5, and 6 members of a group called Kuamini.  This group included 24 students including our very own  own granddaughter Emma.  This group earned the award as a result of their school project to raise awareness, funds, or items for local charities and global initiatives.  The plans for Kuamini, we were told, are always student generated. The group has raised funds for a family that lost their home in a fire, helped to provide medicine and raised awareness to end child labour in Ethiopia, Haiti and rural China. They’ve raised their voices to support Pink Shirt Day and to end bullying. They’ve held an assembly to talk about the 94 calls to action for Truth and Reconciliation. They’ve taught their fellow students about residential schools on Orange Shirt Day. They are the bright, shining stars of the Luxton community.We are proud of them. In particular of course, we are proud of Emma.

Emma was of course not the only award winner. I was very impressed by Alliana Rempela young 11-year from Arborg with a lot of accomplished under her belt. She has written a book that was endorsed by Malala on the cover. It is a child’s book on human rights.  She’s helped local charities bring Syrian refugees to the community and then spent time during summer holidays tutoring the Syrian newcomers and making them feel at home in the community.  When she was five she sold pictures she painted to raise money for a youth shelter. When she was 8 year’s old she raised over $2,000 for the Malala fund by selling her art in 5 different countries. She has not stopped. Her current project is to sell her book and use the proceeds to build a school in Nicaragua. I could not resist buying a copy. I loved her line in the book: “Beating Bad with Beauty.” Pretty good for an 11-year old author. I loved her flawlessly delivered speech in which she thanked the Syrian refugees for coming to their town and teaching her what life was like in Syria. Can you imagine how her life was enriched by refugees? And we worry about the dangers of refugees

We were proud of her too along with all the other young humanitarians. Makes me wonder, what have I done nearing 70?

We were proud of her too along with all the other young humanitarians. Makes me wonder, what have I done? Emma, Alliana and all the other young humanitarians, you are special. Thanks.


PS I have not posted a photo of the group as I did not have permission from all 24 of them

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