Men are Men and Women are Women

I recently met a man whom I found very interesting.  He was a kind and gentle man in the true sense of that word. I found him instantly likeable for many reasons.

One of the things that made him interesting was that he had transitioned from the the gender he had been assigned at his birth. He used to be a woman, or was thought to be female. He believes he has always been a man though for a long time in the body of boy and then a man.

He looked like man completely.  He had a moustache and a beard.  He could clearly pass for a man and if we walked into a female washroom as he is required by law to do in some states he would have disturbed the women. I think they would have felt very uncomfortable with him there.

Here is my question: why do American conservatives want this. Why do they want him to use only female washrooms or perhaps gender neutral washrooms. Can someone explain that to me?

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