It was members of the black community that came up with the expression “Black Lives Matter” to define their group. It was a brilliant motto. And of course, immediately other groups wanted to latch onto it. There was the group of supporters of the police forces who used the handle, “Blue Lives Matter.” That was like the enemy adopting your own motto. That was not cool. The supporters of police forces for a while had also wanted to use it as well. Some claimed, rightly but inappropriately that “All lives Matter.” After that, I noticed indigenous groups using the expression “Every Child Matters .” Really, indigenous groups should admit it—this was an “appropriation” of a name. That is something indigenous groups are very quick to complain about when others do it to them. With some justification I might add.
Much more importantly than a name however, I want oppressed groups to remember who their enemy is. Their enemy is white supremacy. It is not the other oppressed groups. No oppressed group should waste valuable moral capital attacking another oppressed group, particularly when they have a powerful common enemy such as white supremacy that demands all their attention. That is enough of an enemy. They don’t need to make enemies of their common oppressed people.
Give it up. Join forces to unite against the powerful oppressor—i.e., white supremacy. They should not waste arrows on each other.
All lives do matter and all of us who are opposed to oppression should unite against the common foe. That really is the point!
Then, hopefully reconciliation can begin.