Health Care Workers that don’t  care


I read something startling. Really startling. According to the Winnipeg Free Press, 2 days before health care workers were required to confirm that they had been vaccinated and to declare their immunization status,

“Nearly one quarter of Manitoba’s health-care staff who deal directly with the public had not disclosed their Covid-19 immunization status…Roughly 10,000 of 42,000—physicians, residents, nurses, and aides—have refused to reveal their status despite being mandated to advise their employers.”


These workers did more than abandon their patients. They were prepared to keep their supervisors guessing about whether or not they would be able to work. They made it as difficult as possible for health care supervisors and administrators to get sufficient help to care for patients. In other words—these health care workers did not care at all about their patients. And those patients are among the most vulnerable in our society. As the striking path of the pandemic through personal care homes and health care facilities showed, those people were indeed extremely vulnerable.

I take comfort from the fact that on the first day of the new health orders most health care workers, by a vast majority, did show up for work. I heard it was about 95%. But why didn’t more people advise the health care facilities where they worked that they would be working? Added to that, what about the other 5% who did not show up?

Is this not reckless endangerment? Are these recalcitrant health care workers worthy of being kept on? Is this not scandalous dereliction of duty? I don’t know about you, but I find this shocking!  What kind of health care workers are these people? They are health care workers who don’t care.

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