Hadashville Calypso bog


Recently, I went for a third time to the Hadashville bog in search of the illusive Calypso—Manitoba’s first orchid of the year.  I checked my  journal that I keep before I went and then I realized that calypso did appear after May 15 in some years. It all depends on the spring weather.  This year had been cool, that could mean, they were taking their time to appear. Until then  I feared I was too late and had missed them for the year.

After walking around for a while I notice two tiny plants without flowers that looked a lot like Calypso. Then I realized these were the buds!  I had never seen Calypso before in bud. This was exciting for two reason. First, now I had seen them in bud. Secondly, this meant if I can come back again I can photograph the mature flowers. This was win/win. Though it meant one more trip. I left well satisfied after taking a couple of documentary shots. From one of the buds I could see the orchid just emerging.

As I left I could not help but stop to photograph crocuses.  I saw my first crocuses this year on April 11 and now, more than a month later, on May 18, I saw them again on the south (shady) side of the road.

If the world does not give you orchids, may be it will give you crocuses. And that’s not half bad.

I like this one because it shows the crocus looming out of the dark.

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